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Thomas’ Blog April 2022



Luke Morris Blog May 2022
Welcome to my first blog for Stablemate by AGMA! Hopefully I can give you some insight into the flat...
Thomas' Blog May 2022
May is here and summertime is just around the corner. It’s great to be finally getting some warmer weather,...
Thomas' Blog April 2022
It’s the end of April and the 21/22 National Hunt season has drawn to a close.  This season has been...
Thomas' Blog March 2022
It’s come to the end of what has been a very busy month. I’ve been racing lots this month, and managed...
Sara Malpass Dressage – Sponsored Rider
Hi, team Stablemate! I’m Sara, a 28yr old dressage rider from Hampshire. When I was younger, I begged...

It’s the end of April and the 21/22 National Hunt season has drawn to a close. 

This season has been my best to date with 17 winners and 160 rides. I’m really pleased with how this year has gone, and I’m also delighted to stay injury free. I am now down to my 3lb claim (handicap), and 35 winners away from becoming a full professional. 

There’s not a lot of time between seasons, and we started again yesterday evening at Hexham. I had four rides, three for Sue Smith and one for Tina Jackson. It was a good start to the season, and I was really impressed by the attitude of 5-year-old Burrowshall to finish second on just his second start over hurdles. 

There’s been so many highlights over this season, and I’m really chuffed to have progressed this year, although all winning totals and prize money are now back to zero and it’s back to square one.

It’s exciting to be working once again with AGMA and the Stablemate team. We’re all hoping for some more success!