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The Importance of Clean Stables



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Cleaning stables can be time-consuming. We’d much rather be riding our horses in our free time! However, clean stables are vital as they help keep horses healthy. If a stable is dirty, it can cause horses different problems, such as:

  • Breathing issues 

Dust and spores from dirty bedding can cause breathing issues, and ammonia fumes from urine-soaked bedding can agitate a horse’s lungs. 

  • Foot issues 

Standing on dirty bedding for too long can lead to infections in the feet such as thrush, caused by bacteria infecting a softened sole.

  • Skin conditions 

If a horse lies in dirty bedding for a long time it can lead to skin irritation.

There are several ways to keep your stable clean more efficiently, for a happy, healthy horse: 

  • Muck out the stable every day it’s been in us

This will prevent a build-up of muck and bacteria, which could lead to health issues

  • Consider different types of bedding

Make life easier for yourself: if you have a horse who is dirty in the stable, it will take less time to muck out certain types of bedding than others, meaning less wastage and bacteria build up

  • Ensure there is enough ventilation

Good ventilation increases airflow to help keep the stables fresh throughout

  • Frequently clean and disinfect 

This prevents a build-up of bacteria in your stable and on tools

  • Keep your own equipment to yourself 

Prevent cross-contamination between horses and people

  • Consider which tools you’re using

Different tools suit different needs when it comes to mucking your stable out. Make sure you use efficient ones to prevent wastage of bedding while maintaining a clean stable.


The right products are also essential to ensure your stable is kept clean, safe and fresh. 

Stablemate by AGMA has a variety of products, made specifically for equine environments, to help maintain a consistent clean. Boxfresh and Cleanse can clean the dirtiest of surfaces, while our DEFRA approved Dis-in-fect can provide a deep, effective disinfection. Equaroma fills the stable with a pleasant aroma of lavender to finish off the cleaning routine. 

Discover the full range of Stablemate products today.