Catch Up

It’s been a long time since I felt like I actually had space to sit down and write a blog. COVID has a lot to answer for! The last time I wrote one, Merlin was just recovering from a potentially career-ending injury in June 2020 which feels like such a long time ago now. He really came back […]
New Beginnings

The start of a new year and new beginnings for the 2021 National Hunt Season. Apologises for the lack of blog writing over the past while I’ve been rushed of my feet. The start of the 2021 season has been slow to get going after Christmas as a result to horrendous weather. I’m delighted to […]
National Hunt Racing Taking Off Again

The weather is starting to turn and it’s great that National Hunt Racing is taking off and the racing is starting to get busier. On the 10th I’m off to Hexham to ride Rivabodiva (that is me on her at Perth Oct 2019). I have a close connection with this mare, she was the first […]
Back with a bang!

The latest update from AGMA’s sponsored jockey Thomas Willmott… Racing has resumed now for a couple of months and things are slowly looking at getting back to some kind of normal in these very strange and uncertain times. My first day back racing was at Perth on July 21st, were I had six rides. It […]
Life During Lockdown

I hope everyone is safe and well at home during this unusual time!! My yard locked down a little earlier than most on 17th March. We haven’t been able to have lessons since, or have anyone on the yard that isn’t a vet or a farrier. We’ve been the lucky ones though as we have […]
Thomas’ Blog January 2020

January is here and it’s a busy time for a jump jockey in the north. Christmas is over and it’s time to get the head down. For me January time is more of a waiting game. Racing in the north is steady and trying to get rides is a difficult task. January has been quiet […]
Guy Woods and Melo Pearls Re-Training Journey

I have a few horses at home from young inexperienced horses to 3* horses and I am looking forward to getting the season underway and hopefully start getting some results in the bag. I have been lucky enough to get the chance to ride and re-train the lovely mare that is Melo Pearl. About Pearl she […]
International codes of practice on equine disease 2020

The Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) has published the 42nd edition of the codes of practice on equine disease, in preparation for this year’s equine breeding season. These are available online…………… Click here to read full article.
AGMA Races at Sedgefield Boxing Day 2019

Stablemate by AGMA sponsored two races in the Boxing Day Meeting at Sedgefield. Here are the two winners of our races and a photograph of the runners approaching the AGMA fence.
AGMA sponsored jockey 2019 ARO Champion

Seated here front right holding his 2019 ARO Champion Jockey’s trophy is our AGMA sponsored jockey 24yr old Alex Chadwick. Alex, now an integral part of the James Owen Racing team joined the Newmarket-based stable earlier this year. Prior to this he had a brief spell as a conditional jockey in Scotland, returning to the […]