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Back with a bang!


Racehorse jockey jumping over jump fence


Luke Morris Blog May 2022
Welcome to my first blog for Stablemate by AGMA! Hopefully I can give you some insight into the flat...
Thomas' Blog May 2022
May is here and summertime is just around the corner. It’s great to be finally getting some warmer weather,...
Thomas' Blog April 2022
It’s the end of April and the 21/22 National Hunt season has drawn to a close.  This season has been...
Thomas' Blog March 2022
It’s come to the end of what has been a very busy month. I’ve been racing lots this month, and managed...
Sara Malpass Dressage – Sponsored Rider
Hi, team Stablemate! I’m Sara, a 28yr old dressage rider from Hampshire. When I was younger, I begged...

The latest update from AGMA’s sponsored jockey Thomas Willmott…

Racing has resumed now for a couple of months and things are slowly looking at getting back to some kind of normal in these very strange and uncertain times.

My first day back racing was at Perth on July 21st, were I had six rides. It was great to be back at the races and being competitive again. It was also a sense of achievement because during the lockdown I had been busy working hard on my fitness and nutrition with my personal trainer Grant Dougall. It’s great to be working with somebody who is as passionate and committed as I am in making sure I am as fit and as healthy in making weight as I can be when arriving at the races everyday.

I had also been very busy riding out for my select few trainers who support me such as Sandy Thompson, Katie Scott, Willie Young, Jean Mcgregor and Stuart Coltherd as well as working full time in Kinross with Lucinda Russell. Although there is a lot of driving to these yards it’s all worthwhile when arriving at the races with a good selection of different horses to ride and all with a decent chance.

I was lucky to grab a winner at Perth with Fortunes Hiding owned by Belinda and Fraser Mclung the owners of 2017 Grand National winner One for Arthur which was trained by my boss Lucinda Russell. It was great to get a winner for Lucinda as she supports me well with rides and it’s good that hard work that the team are putting in at home is paying off on the track.

My other rides at Perth ran well with Cool Valley finishing third and the others running well respectively all coming on from their first runs and moving forward as the season progresses.

The 11th of August quickly came around and we were back at Perth again, this time for five rides for Lucinda Russell, Sandy Thompson and Willie Young. Gemologist ran a blinder to finish second in the two mile handicap hurdle off top weight and hopefully her day will come very soon. She deserves it as she’s such a tough and determined little mare.

Emirat De Catana was running a great race in the three mile novice chase when he fell at the last when being challenged by a horse from the south. Luckily the horse walked away from the fall unharmed and was fit and well. Unfortunately I have broken by Collarbone, three ribs and my shoulder blade. This is very frustrating but I am lucky to hopefully be on the sidelines for only six weeks.

This week I’m in Malton where I’m at Jack Berry House the Injured Jockeys Fund rehabilitation centre. The facility they have here is second to none and hopefully by the middle of the week we shall have a better idea of how long my recovery will be.

It’s great to be back writing my blog for AGMA and working closely with the business as it continues to grow and thrive day by day.

Hope everyone is keeping safe and well and getting back to some kind of normal.